Patient Rights & Privacy

Policy on Advance Directives

Policy on Advance Directives
Patients at the Seaford Endoscopy Center (SEC) have the right to have an Advance Directive. Prior to the procedure, the patient will be notified that his/her advance health-care directive will be included in their medical record when made available to the staff. Patients who do not have an advance directive will be offered a copy of the official State of Delaware Advance Directive form. Prior to their procedure, patients are notified both verbally and in writing that the SEC will respect and follow their advance directive with the following limitation. In the unlikely situation that the patient experiences a life-threatening event at the SEC, the staff will attempt to resuscitate the patient and transfer them to a hospital if necessary. During the transfer, the staff will make known to the receiving facility information about the patient’s advance directive and will forward a copy to them if it has been made available to us.
For more information on Advance Directives including Delaware State Laws and official Delaware State Advance Directives Forms, return to our Home Page and click on Patient Forms.